Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rawr, Final Fantasy

So I recently went to an FF concert, and I'm completely mad over FF again right now. I'm going to go ahead and play all the old FF's lol. I've only played 8, 10, 10-2, 12, 13 so far and I'm missing out on a lot I know.

Anyways, after the very concert I had, I was obsessed with learning how to play the music too and the first song I learned was the most popular, overrated song To Zanarkand. I learned it fairly quickly, but it took a while to play it the way I wanted and here it is. Enjoy guys!

I also just finished Suteki Da Ne, but it's not perfect yet so when it is I'll post up a a vid.


  1. That's you playing in the video? Very well done! Im still playing the original FF on emulators, can never get enough.

  2. Great work! Brought me back to when I used to look forward to playing Final Fantasy.

  3. I would say "omg you haven't played VII?!?!?!?!" but I'm not a child any more. You should play it though. Great story. Characters are developed well, except Cloud. He's a pussy. Cid's the man. 10 was my favorite though. 13 took way too many shortcuts, and I couldn't STAND the characters from 12.

  4. @Mike: Yup yup that's me.

    @Zerotix: I know I know lol, I watched my cousin as he played it, but never really played it myself

  5. wow you're really good, beautiful music

  6. FF concert? I didn't know those things existed.

  7. To Zanarkand has always been a song I wanted to learn. But I have yet to get the right piano :/ I only have a small keyboard with sustain pedal :(

  8. This is awesome thanks for making me want to play piano again +followed

  9. Final Fantasy 7...My god, how much time I wasted on that game. I can still hear the music, fifteen years later.

  10. In Helicanus may you well descry Following!

  11. OMG dude you're amazing! You should upload a lot more of videos, really!
